Its baking (taper) time again!

Beetroot Gnocci

I have been meaning to post these for a while, I am enjoying making my own gnocchi, and this is a variation on the sweet potato one that I have tried. This contains, buckwheat flour, sweet potato, and beetroot, I used some swiss chard out of the garden as a green, but you can use beet tops in the same way if you like. I just love the colours of rainbow chard!


Fresh from the garden


Shaped and ready to cook

Plated up with homemade pesto and rainbow chard

Plated up with homemade pesto and rainbow chard

Sourdough fun

I’m starting to taper for Ironman Wales, this usually involves me baking, as I have a lot of free time to fill! I had a sourdough fest this week ,and made sourdough crumpets, and bread. The crumpets are delicious, luckily I have a freezer, so I have a supply to keep me going. My only problem is what to bake next!

sourdough bread

sourdough bread

Tasty crumpets!

Tasty crumpets!

Foraging for fruit

Oh, and its also blackberry time again, so cue blackberry ripple ice cream, and some blackberry and apple turnovers. the kids are permanently covered in blackberry juice at this time of year!

Cooking up the blackberry ripple.

Cooking up the blackberry ripple.

Filling for turnovers

Filling for turnovers